Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States A Growing Power - 1849 Words

The United States: A Growing Power The United States focused on itself taking the years after the Civil War to rebuild and to become a stronger society. The slaves being granted there freedom, the rise in technology helping business to make more money, and yet women weren’t able to vote. The Reconstruction faltered and a bigger disappointment in relation to women, since the Fourteenth amendment only commented on males not females. Society as a whole were going through changes, from family dynamics, progressive reform, federal government passing laws that affected all, and international relations fluctuating. Families have always played an important part in society, from having a son to carry on the family name, having multiple children to help on the farm, to the parents having someone to take care of them when they are unable to do so in their old age. Majority of families before the 1900’s consisted of the husband working and the wife keeping the house along with rais ing the children. After the 1900’s though the family dynamic would be changing, the large fluctuation of clerical positions were up for grabs and while it was tradition for women to stay home, they seemed to be made for typing. The single woman were more prominent than ever before taking on what society considered gender specific roles such as, nurses, secretaries, librarians, and teaching. While the majority of society believed as Theodore Roosevelt did â€Å"the greatest thing for any woman is toShow MoreRelatedDeclining and Growing Powers and Empires in Europe and the Rise of United States of America1454 Words   |  6 PagesDeclining and Growing Powers and Empires in Europe and the Rise of United States of America The structure of the international system differed in 1914 from that off 1880 because there was a major shift of power in Europe between Great Britain and Germany. Germany was challenging Great Britains power outright while the United States was indirectly challenging Britain on an economic scale. This essay will demonstrate how a countrys geography directly influences its economicRead MoreThe Future Of Us China Relations Essay1654 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"China Rising† is a non-arguable fact and the one of the most important subject in the twenty-first century. The rise of China is a relative threat to the neighbor regions or other great powers. 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